Clockwise from top - The Czech, the Armenian, the Romanian, the Macedonian and the Albanian whom, much to my distress, I bid farewell to in the very early hours of yesterday morning as we all went or seperate ways from Krakow. This, after having spent a week setting the world to rights with regards to the question of ethnic minorities and many other matters besides, in accordance with the Young Greens doctrine, along with participants from such places as Turkey, Bosnia, Malta, Ukraine & Georgia.
I was intrigued to meet all the faces behind the lengthy, complicated names I'd been drafting visa letters for, but I have to say, I never suspected to have my expectations exceeded to such an extent.
Thank you to the best bunch of politically incorrect neo-degenerates I've ever had the privelege to encounter. For everything you taught me and the countless times you made me laugh. I feel as if my heart has shifted East, and soon hopefully, so will the rest of me.

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